When my LYS/place of employment was closing last year, I picked up a big empty picture frame that once displayed samples for a couple of bucks. The idea was to use it for some kind of arty, fibery wall hanging. In my aforementioned state of pre-baby panic last summer, I finally got started on The Thing in question. I know next to nothing about weaving but despite my ignorance decided it would be a good idea to put a bunch of tiny nails in the frame, warp it with some cotton thread, and start weaving with some odds and ends of handspun yarn. After a minor setback or two, and even with a 2.5-year-old helper, things got off to an auspicious start. It gave me something on which to to focus my nervous energy as my due date at the end of August approached. I sweated over it with my back screaming during the first week of September while Max loafed around, apparently having missed his eviction notice. And then, finally, a baby showed up, and it sat largely untouched in the office for seven months. I dragged it back out the other day and ham-handed some mounting hardware into both it and the conspicuous gap between the sconces in order living room wall. Now it's hanging, something like 25% complete, and demanding attention. I think it looks pretty neat even in its unfinished state. It's, like, a metaphor, man.